*Special: For anyone who loves art!


Without an Art Degree, Without Quitting Your Job, Without Any Risk!

Also, revealing some secrets other top art business coaches won’t share:

Only Few Days Left

Date: 9th July, 2023

Time: 7PM to 8PM

Workshop Starts in:


Get your seat now! Limited to only 72 people!

As Featured In :

Following Our Passion is Not A Bad Choice Anymore…

In Fact, It Was The Best Choice For Me!

From Rashmi’s Desk


Rashmi here…

If you’re passionate about art & love to turn that into an income source, then this might be the most important information you get in your art journey.

Because I too was very passionate about art!

But, I didn’t go all in or even think about making it a full-time 7 years ago.

Scared by what society (and even near ones) talks about artists not being a proper profession & not seeing a future especially here in India.

So, tried architecture, and do well. But eventually, I quit it; following my passion for art…

Fast forward >>|


Now, I’m grateful that I made the right choice following my passion. Making good money, traveling the world, eating good food, meeting good people, and expanding business….

Simply, living my dream life!

And, your dream may be totally different from mine and that’s totally perfect for you.

So, through the past years, (basically with uncertainty, fear & pressure)…

Tried multiple ways to monetize my art and skill plus a sustainable system that can be automated.

Obviously, failed a few times along the way.

But that should not stop us! Right?

Eventually, found many ways that worked and a few that give us the breakthrough.

Yes! I found 7 ways that work really well and I share it with my 2000+ students.

But what I’ve never done is; I’ve not shared the exact system that helps me automate my business (which I can turn into a passive source whenever I want it).

Why not share it?

This is not because I don’t want to… 

…but, because the 7 ways are meant to help someone start from zero to a certain stage where they make some money and start building his/her business.

The 7 ways are just like the foundations…

Just like how we did it in school… learning all the subjects (math, science, art, etc.) when we’re young & later on choose what’s best for you.

Basically, it’s for starters…. And it’ll take some time & will be hard for them to scale with just that.

And With The System I Mentioned Earlier (that I haven’t shared with anyone), It’ll Be A Totally Different Spell (that’s why I’m crushing the market).

These are a few things this system does:

It helps me do more of what I love & make good money

It reduces 91% of my work

It helps me scale past ₹10L/month (will be more by the time you read)

It gives me the time freedom

It gives me the ability to travel the world

If you’re someone who’s passionate about art and like the idea of turning that into a passive flow of income for you…

And not just that, if you also want a more scalable way, a more systematic model that’ll allow you to speed up the process…

This system & model I talk about is best to accomplish all of that.

But, you have to be fast because, the nature of all industries, the earlier you’re, you’ll get more opportunities out of it.

You don’t need to be the first one but you should be earlier than 90% of people to get the most out of it.

And Yes!

Obviously, you need to put in some work in the beginning and once the system is set in place, your direct work will reduce by at least 70%-90%.

This system is used just by a few top coaches you know & me!

But you won’t hear this from anyone else in our industry… 

Because, most art coaches or artists know very little about business.

And the ones that know, kept their mouth shut!

Well… What if I can share that with you in just 2hrs and I’ll only ask you to commit ₹97 – just to show me that you’re dead serious.

Does that sound interesting?

But, before I allow you into this, I have to ask you a few questions. You need to QUALIFY…

Please Be 100% Honest – Check All The Questions Where Your Answer Is A “YES”

If You Answered “YES” To Any Of The Questions Above, Then I Want To Personally Invite You To Join Passive Income From Your Passion workshop – Designed To Get You FAST Results – Even If You’re A Complete Beginner!

** Sign up and start your Art Business!

What Is It Like Learning From Rashmi? And What Are The Results?

The most important things is not about me but how my students are getting great results.

“Rashmi has shifted my Mindset and I can see a lot of difference in my Mindset and Now I can show my Art work in front of society without any chaos”

– Smriti

After joining Rashmi Ma’am Course, I can see a increase in my self confidence and Now I am Able to make my own course and art works

– Shweta

“Rashmi is a God sent for me, I struggles so much when I entered this industry, but due to Rashmi now my business has also got sorted”

– Smriti

The way she explain the concepts in a very relatable manner makes the learning process even more enjoyable. I really appreciate the the hands on approach which provides me with the skills which I can immediately apply to level up my business!

Garma Rastogi

“Rashmi’s art business & marketing course is worth investing!

I believe that the sky is the limit & through art, I can earn a lot.”


Rashmi, you’ve changed my journey in art dramatically!


Here’s How My Passive Income From Art Works In 5 Simple Steps…

After several trials & errors, I’ve condensed this system into 5 actionable steps that anyone can follow.

Step #1:

Finding Your True Passion

There’s a saying that if you do what you love, you’ll never feel work as work but rather, you’ll enjoy it.

This first step is very crucial in your success.

Step #2:

Crafting an irresistible offer

This is, hands down, the most important part.

Master this and you’re good for the long run.

The reason why most businesses don’t take off is they don’t have a good offer (or they even don’t know about it).

Step #3:

Marketing & Sales

In this step, you’ll learn how to get people to pay you more & in high volume.

Every business regardless of size, need marketing & sales.

And this goes same for you.

Step #4:

Delivery & Support

Once someone bought from you, you need to deliver your product & other information regarding their order.

How to deliver & support at the quickest possible speed.

Also, find out which medium suits the best for your offer,.

Step #5:

Automation & Delegation

Remove yourself from your business once you build the system and kept in place.

Many people try doing all things by themselves and that took them forever to grow.

Let others do the work for you!

If you follow the exact steps that I’ll uncover inside the workshop, you will have a business that you can automate & scale at ease.

In Fact, to GUARANTEE your results, we’re throwing in a BIG bonus…

Included When You Sign Up:

You’ll Get access to our Art Business Club for FREE.

This is an enormous bonus and it means that you have access to ME helping you through this entire process. Ask yourself…

Do you really want to miss this?

So, Let Me Ask You…

Are You Ready To Kickstart Your Scalable Art Business Where You Can Turn That Into A Passive Income Source?

In Exchange For A Small Investment, Here’s Are What You Get:

"Passive Income From Art" Workshop:

Finding Your True Passion (Worth ₹1997)

Crafting Irresistible offer (Worth ₹2999)

Art Marketing & Sales Secret (Worth ₹4997)

Delivery & Support System (Worth ₹1499)

Automation & Delegation (Worth ₹1197)

Exclusive Growth Club (Worth ₹3499)

Total Value: ₹16,188 – Yours For Just ₹97/-

Are You Ready To Commit For Just 2 Hrs and ₹97 To Get The Exact System To Run My 10L/month Art Coaching Business From Scratch?

Do YOU Accept The Challenge?

** Sign up and start your Art Business!

Why Listen To Rashmi & Learn From Her?

Rashmi has coached more than 2000+ students from across India. And the results & experience they get are grateful.

These are a few of the hundreds & thousands of humbling feedbacks like the ones above. If you wish to see all of them, you can request me anytime.

And… Another Reason You Won’t Want To Miss Learning From Rashmi

Rashmi Has Been Coached By The Best in The Nation!

Rashmi with Siddharth Rajsekar (From Success Gyan)​

Rashmi with Puja Puneet

Rashmi with Karan Mahija

Rashmi with Rajiv Talreja

Rashmi with Rajiv Talreja's Family

One of the most important things I realized is to invest in myself & be very picky when it comes to learning from someone else.

You have to be super cautious about whom you learn from.

Learn from the right person who has a proven track record in your field.

** Sign up and start your Art Business!

There Is No Perfect Time…

But You Have To Decide Now!

Imagine being able to start, scale & automate your art business… Generating abundant waelth 3-4 years down the line.

Imagine being able to take control of your life and your future, instead of feeling like you’re constantly spinning your wheels.

Our Masterclass will give you the tools and knowledge you need to make that happen.

Don’t let your dream remain out of reach any longer.

Sign up for our masterclass now and take the first step towards achieving your dreams.

Limited spots as there’s only so much Zoom can handle, so don’t wait!

Sign up today and secure your spot.


Date: 9th July, 2023

Time: 7PM to 8PM

Masterclass Starts In:


** Sign up and start your Art Business!

Frequently Asked Questions.

A: Once you register for the course you will be redirected to a page where you’ll know the status for your registration. Also, don’t forget to check your email or WhatsApp message, we’re sending you the WhatsApp group link there.

A: Yes, this is an 2hrs. Live workshop. The zoom link for the same will be shared on our WhatsApp group. So, make sure you join the group (see email or WhatsApp message for group link).

This course is in English language and a little bit of Hindi.

Yes, This is a  Live Workshop

We give lifetime support to our students so you can ask as many questions you want and we have a dedicated WhatsApp group also for the student, where you can ask as many questions as you like.

Only ₹499 ₹97 Today

(Save ₹402 today) Get my Passive Income System for ₹499 Just ₹97! and get values worth ₹16,188.

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Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook (now known as Meta) in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. now known as Meta Platforms, Inc. 

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
Earnings and income representations made by Rashmi, FAT Ventures, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, “FAT Ventures’s Team”) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Rashmi & FAT Ventures, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in delivering the necessary effort, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.
The FAT Ventures may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you. FAT Ventures’s Team  uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want the FAT Ventures’s Team to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link.
Do you have questions about any of the FAT Ventures’s Services? Are you wondering if the programs will work for you? Reach out to us at fatventures10@gmail.com. We will be happy to discuss your goals and how the we may help you.
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