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Join Our Inner circle membership worth â‚ą5000/- at just â‚ą1999/- (for 30 days)

What You'll Be Getting & Doing in The Next 30 Days as An Inner Circle Member?

Develop a Real Purpose & the Necessary Mindset to Run an Art Business

Mindset, where everything starts and the basic to help you build a strong foundation for the long run. This will help you come up with your OFFER/Program & how to operate things.

Internalizing & Implementing the Secrets

This is where you learn hands on from me the actual Step-by-Step process to make things work... including how to come up with your program/offer to marketing your Offer (which is how you can launch successfully).

Hot Seats & Clarity Sessions

At the Last week of each month, you get to ask as many questions you can to clear all your doubts and help you launch your offer successfully... as well as remove the hurdles along the way.

Join Our Inner circle membership worth â‚ą5000/- at just â‚ą1999/- (for 30 days)

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers Earnings and income representations made by Rashmi, FAT Ventures, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, “FAT Ventures’s Team”) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Rashmi & FAT Ventures, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in delivering the necessary effort, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. The FAT Ventures may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you. FAT Ventures’s Team  uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want the FAT Ventures’s Team to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link. Do you have questions about any of the FAT Ventures’s Services? Are you wondering if the programs will work for you? Reach out to us at fatventures10@gmail.com. We will be happy to discuss your goals and how the we may help you.